Issuance of Admit Cards “PARVAAZ Qualifying Test” for the Selection of candidates for Free Coaching of Civil Services Examinations under PARVAAZ Program of Mission Youth, J&K
It is hereby notified for the information of all the concerned that PARVAAZ Qualifying Test (PQT)- 2023 for the Selection of candidates for Free Coaching of Civil Services Examinations under PARVAAZ Program of Mission Youth, J&K shall be conducted on 30th July 2023.
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The Admit Cards for all the eligible candidates scheduled to appear in the said examination shall be hosted on official website of the Mission youth (www.mission youth.jk.gov.in) from 22nd July 11:00 am onwards, and can be downloaded by the eligible candidates using their Application ID and Date of Birth.
In case of any difficulty in downloading / issues related to Admit Card, candidate(s) may contact Mission Youth Help-Desk at 8447804864. (JKS)