As approved by the Competent Authority, the last date for receipt of application forms for the posts of Assistant Registrar, Section Officer and Head Assistant from the Retired / Retiring employees has been extended for a period of 15 days i.e. till 11.07.2023
Last Date Extension Notification
As approved by the Competent Authority, the last date for receipt of application forms for the posts of Assistant Registrar, Section Officer and Head Assistant from the Retired / Retiring employees has been extended for a period of 15 days i.e. till 11.07.2023.
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Advertisement Notice regarding inviting applications from the Retired/Retiring employees
The Cluster University of Jammu invites Applications from the Retired / Retiring persons for the following posts:
S. No. | Name Of Post | Salary | Eligibility Criteria |
Assistant Registrar | 30,000 | Experience of working in the University System | |
Section Officer | 20,000 | Experience of working in the University System | |
Head Assistant | 20,000 | Experience of working in the University System |
- The candidates applying for the abovementioned posts should be below the age of 64 years as on 01.01.2023 or likely to be retired from the services within six (06) months. Experience of working in the University System
- The engagement shall hold good for one year or till some permanent arrangement is made, whichever happens to be earlier and shall be extended on performance and requirement of the University.
- The engagement shall be terminable before the expiry of the contractual period with one (01) months’ notice from either side or on payment of one month’s salary in lieu of the notice period.
- The University reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.
- No interim queries in this regard shall be entertained at any stage.
- The application form can be downloaded from the University Website www.clujammu.in.
- The application form should reach the Office of The Assistant Registrar (Adm), Cluster University of Jammu, Adjoining G.G.M. Science College, Jammu-180016 (J&K) by or before 26.06. 2023 through Registered / Speed Post only. The University shall not be responsible for any postal delays and the applications submitted through Courier Services shall be summarily rejected.
- The envelope containing the application form should be super-scribed with the following:
- The selection of the candidates shall be made by the Committee to be constituted by the University.
Last Date Extension Notification
Advertisement Notification
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