JKBOPEE Second Selection List of B.Tech course, Result of Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Course, Counselling notification 2023, Download PDF her

JKBOPEE: Provisional Selection list of candidates for admission to B. E. / B. Tech. (Engineering) Courses-2023 in Government / Private Engineering Colleges of UT of J&K after Second Round (Physical) Up-gradation/Allotment counselling.
Consequent upon the conduct of Second Round (Physical) Up-gradation/Allotment counselling of candidates for admission to B. E. / B. Tech. (Engineering) Courses-2023 in Government/Private Engineering Colleges of UT of J&K, held from 23.08.2023 to 25.08.2023, the list of candidates provisionally selected for Up-gradation/Allotment of Stream/Institution as per their merit and preference is hereby notified as per the Annexure- A to this Notification which shall be available on BOPEE official website viz www.jkbopee.gov.in only.
The candidates provisionally selected for Up-gradation/Allotment shall report for admission to the allotted College/Institutions by or before 05.09.2023 upto 4:00 pm along with their relevant certificates in original. The concerned Heads of the Institutions shall complete the admission process after checking the eligibility of candidates and verifying the following documents: –
- Domicile Certificate.
- Marks Certificate of 12th Class.
- D.O.B Certificate (10th Marks Sheet/Diploma).
- Category Certificate, if applicable.
- ID Card to verify the identity of the candidate, &
- Any other document, as required by the concerned College/Institution for admission purposes.
Note: –
- All the Heads of the Institutions/Colleges are advised to release the documents and refund the fee in favour of such candidates who have been upgraded to enable them to complete the admission process within the prescribed cutoff date (05.09.2023) without facing any difficulty.
- All the Heads of the Institutions/Colleges are requested to keep their admission counters open on holidays/off days to facilitate the candidates to complete their admission process well in time.
- The candidate(s) if any found to have concealed any information, his/her selection/admission shall be cancelled abinitio and fine/penalty shall be imposed upon him/her as may be deemed proper by the board in accordance with the laid down rules.
- The candidates who have been upgraded during the Second Round of Counselling shall have to necessarily join against the Upgraded Seat/College failing which they shall not be eligible for further rounds of counselling, if any, conducted by the Board. `
The Heads of the Institutions shall keep record of admission and send the shortfall of the candidates, if any, who have not completed their admission within the prescribed time mentioned above through e-mail viz [email protected] & [email protected] on 05.09.2023 at 5:00 p.m. positively along with hard copy duly signed by the Head of the Institution.
The other terms and conditions shall remain the same as notified by the Board in the eInformationBrochure and Notifications/Notices issued from time to time in this regard.
JKBOPEE: Common Entrance Test for admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Course-2023: Declaration of Result / Issuance of Provisional Merit List
The Result / Provisional Merit List of all the candidates, who had appeared in the Common Entrance Test conducted by the Board in pursuance to Notification No. 058-BOPEE of 2023 dated 11-08-2023 on 20.08.2023 for admission to the Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Course-2023 in the Government/ Private Colleges of UT of J&K is hereby notified as per Annexure-A to this Notification.
In case two or more candidates have obtained the same number of marks in the entrance test, the tie has been resolved as mentioned at page no. 25 under point no. 13 of e-Information Brochure available on the website of the Board, taking into consideration the D.O.B, followed by first Alphabet of candidates’ names shall be considered.
The candidate(s) who have any objection against his/her result, shall submit a written representation(s) along with a payment receipt of Rs.1000/- to be paid through POS Machine at the BOPEE Offices Srinagar/Jammu for the purpose of re-totaling of marks. The representation(s) in this regard shall be received upto three working days of uploading of this Notification on the BOPEE website by the Board after the declaration of result. No representation shall be entertained after the expiry of the prescribed date/time.
The counseling schedule for admission to Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Course – 2023 shall be notified separately as and when decided by the Board.
The candidates are advised to visit the official website of the Board (www.jkbopee.gov.in) for daily updates in this regard.
The Annexure-A of this Notification shall remain available on the official website of the Board only. (www.jkbopee.gov.in)
JKBOPEE: Conduct of Second Round of Counseling (Physical) for Upgradation /Allotment of seats in MBBS/BDS/DDH/DDM Courses – 2023 in Government / Private Medical/Dental Colleges of UT of J&K, including seats falling under Hindu Minority & NRI Quota in ASCOMS, Jammu.
Pursuant to Notification No. 057-BOPEE of 2023 dated 11.08.2023, the Board has received shortfall of seats in MBBS/BDS course from various Government/Private Medical/Dental Colleges of UT of J&K. In order to fill up these seats along with the seats which have remained unfilled including the seats which have become available due to the Resignations by the selected candidates from the respective allotted college(s). Further, as already notified vide Notification No. 066-BOPEE of 2023 dated 20-08-2023, the seats of ASCOMS under Hindu Minority (HM) / Non Resident Indians (NRI)Quota shall also be filled up during Second Round of Counseling.
It is hereby notified for information of all the concerned candidates that the Board shall conduct the Second Round of (Physical) Upgradation/Allotment counseling as per the schedule given below: –
The following procedure shall be followed during Second Upgradation/Allotment Round of
Physical Counseling
- The eligible and willing candidates have to report at the BOPEE offices Jammu / Srinagar for Registration/Attendance & fulfillment of other formalities, from 8.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. on the day/date of counseling.
- It is enjoined upon all the eligible candidates that they shall visit/ attend counseling onlyafter checking the Seat Matrix available on the official website of the Board and if the seats of their choice(s) are available in their respective categories they shall participate in the counselling.
- Those candidate(s) who have been allotted seat(s) during First Round of Online Counseling and have joined against the said seat/College, if, interested for upgradation can participate in the 2nd Round of Physical Counseling with the condition that he/sheshall have to produce his/her fee deposition receipt of the concerned allotted College at the time of Registration/Attendance on his/her day/date of counseling.
- Candidate(s) who has / have opted for C.N.A./S.N.A., are also eligible to attend the Second Round of physical counseling for up-gradation / allotment of seats in MBBS/BDS/DDH/DDM Courses-2023.
- The candidates whose names are figuring in the updated UT Merit List annexed to the Notification No. 048-BOPEE of 2023 dated 31-0702023, but failed to participate in the First Round of online counselling due to one or the other reason shall also be eligible to participate in the counselling subject to the condition that they shall have to deposit counseling fee of Rs.1500/ physically, through POS machines available at BOPEE office Jammu/Srinagar on their day/date of counseling.
- The candidate(s) who have been allotted Seat(s) during First Round of counseling, but have failed to join against the said allotted seat/College, he/she shall not be eligible to participate in the Up-gradation/Second Physical Round of counseling.
- The candidate(s) participating in this physical round of counseling and getting allotted a seat, should in their own interest not to leave the Board office as there is a possibility that a seat of his/her choice, which was not available on his/her turn of counseling may become available during the process, he/ she can stake a claim on such a seat immediately once the seat is displayed in the seat matrix on the monitor of the Boardconsequent upon its vacation by a candidate so that such a candidate is considered for allotment of the seat on merit cum preference basis. The seat allotted to him/her earlier shall become vacant and shall be added to the seat matrix. However, it is clarified that the Board shall not be responsible in case a candidate leaves the Board office and he/she fails to stake a claim on a seat as may become available at appropriate time.
- As already notified vide Notification No. 057-BOPEE of 2023 dated 11.08.2023 that the Board shall fill up 29 MBBS seats and 03 BDS seats in CDP category during Second Round of Counselling strictly on the basis of Priorities fixed by the Government and preferences preferred by the eligible candidates during the First Round of online counselling. The seats shall be allotted to the eligible candidates strictly as per the amended /revised priorities conveyed by the concerned certificate issuing authorities.
- The Board reserves the right to notify such changes as may become necessary in view of any technical difficulty or the reasons beyond its control.
- The Updated Seat Matrix shall be uploaded on website of the Board separately in due course of time which shall facilitate the candidates to decide about their participation in the Upgradation/Allotment Round of Counselling.
- The seats of DDH/DDM in Govt. Dental College Jammu /Indira Gandhi Government Dental College Jammu shall also be filled during this Round of counseling.
The other terms and conditions shall remain the same as notified by the Board in the e-Information Brochure and Notifications/Notices issued from time to time in this regard.