JKBOPEE Counselling Schedule for submission of online preferences for admission to BSc Nursing/B.Sc. Paramedical / B.Sc. Technology Courses, 2023

JKBOPEE Counselling Schedule for submission of online preferences for admission to BSc Nursing/B.Sc. Paramedical / B.Sc. Technology Courses, 2023
Counselling Schedule for submission of Online Preferences by the eligible candidates for admission to B.Sc. Nursing/ B.Sc. Paramedical / B.Sc. Technology Courses, 2023.
The Board vide Notification No.040-BOPEE of 2023 dated. 15.07.2023 has declared the result of Common Entrance Test for aadmission to B.Sc. Nursing/ B.Sc. Paramedical / B.Sc. Technology Courses, 2023 conducted on 11.06.2023.The eligible candidates vide Notice No-007-BOPEE of 2023 Dated: 06.05.2023, were given an opportunity by advising them to submit their representations for rectification of errors, if any, with regard to the D.O.B., Preferences, Gender & Category status etc. physically at the respective BOPEE offices Jammu/Srinagar up to 11.05.2023 (till 3.00 p.m.). The Board has received various representations with regard to the corrections and rectification of errors from the candidates.
The Board examined all the representations and accordingly notify the counseling schedule for submission of online preferences by the eligible candidates for admission to B.Sc. Nursing/B.Sc.Paramedical/B.Sc. Technology courses, 2023 w.e.f. 25.08.2023 to 30.08.2023 (Mid-night).
It is hereby notified for information of all the concerned candidates that the Board shall conduct the First Round of Online Coutselling of only those candidates who have secured upto 30 marks out of 180 marks in the Common Entrance Test i.e. upto the Rank 7006 in the Provisional Merit List issued vide Notification No. 040-BOPEE of 2023 Dated 15.07.2023. Before participating in the online Counselling process, all eligible candidates are once again advised to check their Name / Gender / Category/ D.O.B etc in the PML and in case of any discrepancy, inform the BOPEE office Jammu/Srinagar physically through a representation upto 23.08.2023, as the seats shall be allotted on the basis of the credentials of the candidates mentioned in the Annexure-A to the Notification No. 040-BOPEE of 2023 Dated 15.07.2023. The Board shall in no case be held responsible, if a seat is allotted to any of such candidates on the basis of wrong category mentioned in online application form.
Note: –
- No representations shall be accepted /entertained by the Board through any Email or WhatsApp mode.
- The process of online filling up of choices/preferences shall be available w.e.f. 25.08.2023 to 30.08.2023 (Mid-night) and the instructions related to filling up of online Choices/Preferences are already mentioned in the e-Information Brochure which shall be available on official website of the Board (www.jkbopee.gov.in) only.
- Further the candidates shall have to pay online counselling fee of Rs. 1000/- as mentioned in e-Information Brochure and after submitting the online Preferences must take out the print of it and ensure that against payment column Rs. 1000/- must be reflected.
- Any candidate(s) who has submitted his/her online preferences and desire to change his/her preferences should approach BOPEE office Jammu/Srinagar personally for unlocking purposes upto 29.08.2023 (till 02.00 p.m.).
- The Board shall provisionally allow all such candidates to participate in the online counselling process, who have failed to upload either, Domicile Certificate, 12th Class Marks Cards/10th Class Marks Card/Diploma for the purpose of ascertaining the D.O.B etc. with the condition that they must fulfil all the eligibility conditions as mentioned in the Notification No. 023-BOPEE of 2023 Dated: 18.04.2023 and have to submit all such documents at the time of their admission in the respective college, if selected.
- It is further enjoined upon all the concerned to ensure the validity of the Category Certificate, which in any case should not have been issued after 03.05.3023 i.e. the last date fixed by the Board for filling up of online application forms for the B.Sc. Nursing/ B.Sc.Paramedical / B.Sc. Technology Courses, 2023 vide Notification No. 023-BOPEE of 2023 Dated. 18.04.2023.
- The CDP category seats shall be allotted to the concerned eligible category candidates physically during the Second round of the counselling on the basis of Priority certificates uploaded by the said candidates during submission of online application form. However, any CDP Category candidate falling under Open Merit shall be allotted a seat as per the Merit/Preferences filled up by the candidate during the process of online counselling.
- Seat Matrix shall be uploaded on website of the Board a day before start of Counselling & about fee of the courses, participating candidates are advised to confirm it from the respective College/Institute where they intend to seek admission before applying for online process.
- Mere filling up of the online Preferences/ Choices shall not confer any preferential right/claim upon the concerned candidate for admission to any course/college which shall further be subject to eligibility to be verified at the time of admission, if selected, by the respective College/Institution.
- The candidates who have been allotted seat/College shall have to necessarily join against his/her allotted seat/college; otherwise he/she shall not be eligible to participate in Second Upgradation Round of Counselling under any circumstances.
- The admission of the candidates is purely provisional and shall be liable to be cancelled in case of any information provided by any candidate(s) is proved to be false/fabricated/untrue at any stage, the Board reserves the right to cancel the same and also take penal action as per relevant rules against the concerned candidate(s)
The other Terms and Cconditions shall remain the same as notified by the Board through the eInformationBrochure, Notifications & Notices issued from time to time in this regard.